Sunday, January 26, 2014


Trying to get that perf pic for Instagram? Can't quite get it to work out for you? Well I'm here to help. I'm going to tell you some of my tricks for shooting a stunning selfie, a fab full-body, or the BFF. (Best Friend Flipagram) It's all right here for you to find out. Pretty soon you'll be known as the Insta-Queen. (or King)

STUNNING SELFIES-The first thing you'll need to take a good selfie is good lighting. If it's too dark you won't be able to see your face very well. In addition, some lighting adds a weird tint to your skin, and you want to save that stuff for the filters. You also need a good camera that won't blur your face up. The next step is to know your angles. If you know what side of your face you like best, that's great! If not, experiment for a while in order to find what you like best. You also need to know if you like your hair in your face or out. The final step is your expression. Since it's on Instagram, it generally has a reason, so match your facial expression to go with that. Don't forget your filters! Picking the perfect filter can be hard, but I find that if I go through them, I find one that works really well and I pick that.

FAB FULL-BODY-As usual, every picture requires your opinion. First you need to decide if you want to take it in front of a mirror or if you want someone to take it for you. While the mirror look is a little more classic Insta, someone taking it for you will capture your entire outfit and nothing will be blocked by a camera or a phone. It depends on what you're going for. Taking a picture in front of the mirror is pretty easy. Just find a mirror that doesn't have too much going on behind it, look straight at your reflection, and snap! But there's more to do with someone taking your picture. Again, lighting needs to be considered. But it's also important to find a good pose. Modeling is just knowing what to do with your body to make yourself look your best, so if you can figure that out, you'll have no problem getting someone to take a good picture. If you don't, try looking up some modeling tips you could use to help yourself figure it out. Here are some good websites for that:
BFF-A super popular trend right now is the Flipagram app that lets you turn your pictures into a crazy awesome montage. (complete with music from your phone) If you want to make a really fun one with your friends, you just have to follow a few simple steps.
  1. Take Tons of Pics: It's really not much more than that. Just huddle together and do a ton of different faces and take pictures of all of them. You don't have to look good, you just have to have fun. If your phone has a rapid-fire picture mode, use that to get the best results.
  2. Choose a Song: If you all like a song, use that one. But make sure you get enough pictures for at least 8 seconds of music, if not longer. The app will make it really easy to time it out perfectly.
  3. Upload!: Once all of your friends are sure that it's the perfect song, and they're OK with all the pictures included, just put it right on Instagram. It will have been a fun activity, plus you get to hold on to the memory forever. (as long as you don't forget your account)
So there you go. Now you know the best tips for getting a good picture. One final note: be confident. You may not think it's a good picture, but I guarantee that it's better than you think it is. And besides, who cares if it looks good or not? If it reflects who you are, it's probably perfect.